About Me

   My name is Hailey Latham. I am currently a student pursuing an Elementary Education degree at Northern State University. I like to say that I am from everywhere and nowhere. My dad has been in the Army for most of my life so I have moved about every three years since I was 6 years old. Most people feel bad when I tell them that, but it is something that has made me who I am today. I have enjoyed getting to meet people from all over the country! Moving around a lot has drove me to want to become a teacher. There are so many teachers that have made a positive impact on me. Being the new student is tough but teachers have always made me feel welcome. I want to be able to do that for students one day as well.

   I love creating things as well. Growing up I loved drawing. In high school I took AP art for two years where I focussed on mixed media pieces. Since high school I have not focussed on art as much as I used to. Now I like putting creativity towards my lesson plans and classroom activities. Here are some of the pieces I have created for fun since high school ended.
Made with Procreate

Acrylic Paint and Colored Pencils


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